We are constantly faced with competitive fast-changing world of business. In this situation, it’s not always clear how we should behave or what is acceptable to our colleagues, customers, vendors and communities in which we work.
In SMART, code of ethic is considered as the ultimate tool to fulfill our missions lawfully, ethically and last but not least humanely. We strongly believe that only the code of ethic can successfully lead us to the real victory in each and every of our organization’s projects and missions and to maintain our best quality services among the competitors in our market amidst of nowadays’ confusing business conflicts. Thus, we expect and make sure that all of our employees are familiar with our valued code of ethics and understand them thoroughly to bring out the effective and efficient outcomes not only for our clients and vendors but also for our own employees’ growth. In the future, we aim to create a sustainable and stress free working environment through our code of ethics.
We consult local people to help us understand and address any concerns they may have with the deployment of our network in their communities. And also SMART scanning community needs by community meetings, plant visits, partnerships on common issues, sponsorships, and others CSR activities program based on four main sectors, education, health, environment and social welfare to remedy them. For engaging with suppliers, we make joint value creation initiatives, annual supplier meeting and inspection, and acknowledge Supplier Guiding Books and rule and regulation while working with SMART.
For dealing with Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), we participates dialogue, partnerships on common issues, memberships of business and industry associations to local and international NGOs.